Director & Producer
Peter is an award-winning filmmaker, NY Times Bestselling author, educator & activist.
He produced & directed Requiem for the American Dream: Noam Chomsky and the Principles of Concentration of Wealth and Power (Netflix). A NY Times Critics Pick and #1 selling doc on iTunes, the book version of the film was a NY Times Bestseller (Seven Stories Press).
He most recent film, the critically-acclaimed Healing From Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation (Freestyle Digital Media/ Journeyman Pictures/ Media Education Foundation) is now in wide release. The film examines the root causes of hate group activity through the bold work of former Skinheads & neo-Nazis, now engaged in de-radicalizing violent extremists, and transforming attitudes of intolerance.
His longstanding commitment to issues around male identity has resulted in the films: You Throw Like A Girl: The Blind Spot of Masculinity (MEF), Angry White Men: Masculinity in the Age of Trump (Grasshopper), and newly released, The Man Card: White Male Identity Politics from Nixon to Trump (MEF).
His numerous documentary features include What Would Jesus Buy? (Sundance Channel Feature), SPLIT: A Divided America (IFC Choice Indie), it’s follow-up SPLIT: A Deeper Divide (The Documentary Channel), and Awake Zion (Film Buff). He holds a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology with a focus on Addictions and Systems Dynamics.
Producer & Editor
Lucas Sabean is an editor, producer and filmmaker, whose output includes independent narrative & documentary features, commercial video, and a large body of experiential work.
Co-founder of Eat the Moon Films & Big Tent Productions, he has produced & edited Healing From Hate: Battle for the Soul of a Nation (Freestyle Digital Media, Media Education Foundation), directed & edited Angry White Men: American Masculinity in the Age of Trump (Grasshopper Films) and is currently producing/directing/editing a film about West Virginia, Devil Put The Coal in the Ground.
He recently directed, produced & edited The Man Card: White Male Identity Politics From Nixon to Trump (2020, Media Education Foundation) and directed, produced & edited You Throw Like A Girl: The Blindspot of Masculinity (2020, MEF).
He was named a "Filmmaker of Tomorrow" at the Telluride Film Festival for his short film Relieve (1999). His films include the feature End of Era (Underground Zero, 2003), and The Last Stand (Best Feature, Backseat Film Festival, 2008). Choreographer Paul Taylor has called his films "superb - like poems made visible." He has an MFA from Boston University in Film Production.
Author of The Cure For Hate
Tony spent 15 years in the white supremacist and neo-nazi movements starting as a skinhead and evolving to leadership positions and was instrumental in ushering in the internet building one of the first white supremacist websites for Resistance Records in the mid 90’s.
Tony’s expertise is gleaned from receiving over a thousand hours of one on one and group counseling to understand his own process. Tony has spent countless hours coaching and mentoring change in others and is a certified Life Coach.
Tony has been involved in Life After Hate since its inception in 2011 and served as Executive Director from 2013-2017 while Life After Hate developed its online support groups and the EXIT USA program (based on EXIT Sweden’s model). In 2017 he became Board Chair until his departure in December 2019.
Tony has worked closely informing law enforcement and government from Attorney Generals to senior staff at the Department of Homeland Security. Tony testified before Congress in was recently at the Paris Summit for the Christchurch Call with the Prime Minister of New Zealand, and supporting Government and Law enforcement in Victoria, Australia helping them grapple with the rising problem of violent white supremacist groups.
He is the Author of The Cure For Hate: A Former White Supremacist's Journey from Violent Extremism to Radical Compassion, published by Arsenal Pulp Press.